31 March 2008


French toast with apples (that I couldn't eat), bananas, maple syrup at the Dandelion Eatery with John's fammy
French toast with fruit I couldn't really eat

After one sip of this, I decided it was too milky for me! PB & J smoothie from Dandelion Eatery (funny aside- two of the actors from the play the night before were also having brunch there!)
PB &J smoothie

My mum's American husband called this American Chop Suey.
American Chop Suey

Spinach salad with yummy sugared pecans and strawberries (also at my mum's)
Spinach salad

Birthday cake #4 (apparently I'm seven?)
Birthday Cake #4- Red Velvet!

Birthday cake #4- Red Velvet Cake!
Red Velvet Cake

Cheese platter at home with Johnovision: (clockwise from left) strawberries, gherkins, cracked pepper water crackers, Boursin cheese, Two-year-old cheddar, wheat crackers.

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