29 March 2008


Pancake House Waffle

Turkey Bacon
Turkey bacon

Mini pre-fab pizza (seriously lacking in the grocery department)
Mini pizza

After seeing an amazing play (Adhere and Deny put on the Orestia Trio), Sara and I decided we were starving and ended up at Burger King! OMG. I had a Whopper (seriously, OMG) and Sara wanted their "onion" rings. With the zesty sauce. For the record, there are no onions whatsoever in a Burger King onion ring.
Post-play BK run


That Mike Guy said...

My BK guilty pleasure is a Whopper with mozza sticks. So delicious but my BK is so close to a delicious panini restaurant that I should probably opt for a roasted veggie sandwich and a salad instead but sometimes grease cravings cannot be ignored.

Meg Bee said...

I've never had a BK mozza stick, but I'm sure they're greasily delicious! I used to love the ones from Perkins, heh.

This did totally hit the spot at the time, though. Had my friend Sara not been with me, I would have ended up at Subway methinks.

Anonymous said...

I want to cry -- I just discovered your site and I am so hungry. So very hungry. It is both helping and not helping, but I can't stop looking. Some amazing pics too -- I would totally buy a large print of that waffle.