01 May 2008


Orange slices
Orange slices

Poached eggs and iced coffee
Poached eggs and iced coffee

Roasted Red Pepper and Provolone sandwich with Spicy Caribbean soup from Stella's on Osbourne
Roasted red pepper provolone sandwich

We had Catherine and Lisa over last night! I made lasagna!

Lasagna with salad and bread with butter
Lasagna, salad and bread

Trid buttering her bread
Trid buttering her bread

John and Trid!
John has a hearty chuckle

Garlic-stuffed olives rock my socks.
Garlic-stuffed olives

Catherine brought over some Cadbury's chocolate-covered cookies! OMG so good!
Cadbury cookie

Another cookie

And John and I tucked into cupcakes later on while watching a Marx Brothers movie, A Night at the Opera

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