16 October 2008


Crackers and cashew butter
Crackers and cashew butter

The Geoff Bresch special: leftover turkey and gravy, hot on toast with ketchup and pickles
The Geoff Bresch Special

So Good soy ice cream sandwich
So Good ice "cream" sandwich

Turkey curry on brown rice
Turkey curry on brown rice

Organic chocolate chip cookie
Organic chocolate chip cookie

Poopcorn with ketchup seasoning, shared with Johnovision while watching Onibaba
Popcorn and Onibaba


Anonymous said...


I have been looking for cashew butter, but i have not found it... :-(. Too bad!

Emelyne- french girl in Ottawa ;-

Meg Bee said...

Hey, I just realized that I may not have answered your question in my emails! The dipped cone was indeed from Dairy Queen! Sorry about that.

I found this in Safeway, actually. They seem to have it in most Safeways in Winnipeg; right by the peanut butter.

Anonymous said...

Ooops , I live in Ottawa, we only have Loeb and Loblaws around the place where I live, but I saw some almond butter that I will try soon!
I went to DQ to try this little ice cream thing, but instead I had ice cream in a waffle. They made a special for me, with ice cream, Reese's chunks, and caramel ^^

Thank you one more time for your postings on your blog, it really gave me cooking ideas, being in a new country!
