02 May 2008


Leftover 1/2 sandwich from Stella's
Other half of sandwich

Prune yogurt
Prune yogurt

Fibre 1 bar, peanut butter flavour (Nuala, this is totally because of you and your food blog!)
Fibre 1 bar

So I brought enough lasagna for four people to work last night and Catherine ate 3 1/2 people's worth of it. I think she's eating her feelings. This is all I managed to eat of it!
Bits of lasagna

Supermarket sushi! Trid wanted sushi and John picked some up for her. Apparently she changed her mind so I ate it...
Supermarket Sushi

...but not before I took all of this rice off of it.
The rice I picked off of it

Scrambled eggs with ketchup
Scrambled eggs with ketchup


Nuala said...

the fiber one bar is so funny! you're the third person to tell me you've tried them because of my pictures. shouldn't i be getting something from general mills for this?

Meg Bee said...

Haha, that's hilarious!

People mostly just ask me how to poach eggs and/or wonder if prune yogurt is actually good or not.

Nuala said...

i've actually wondered about the prune yogurt as well

Meg Bee said...

It's really good! I'm not a yogurt fan most of the time, especially without granola involved. But prune yogurt is so good, I want to lick the bowl! If you like prunes, I'd say you'd like this yogurt.

Nuala said...

i'll pick some up next time i'm grocery shopping. by the way-- fantastic tattoo!!

Meg Bee said...

Hopefully you won't be disappointed!

Thanks! I am quite, erm, attached to it myself:D