18 January 2010


Leftovers with green beans
Leftovers with beans

Nachoes @ Eat! Bistro's Gluten Free night with Allison
Nachoes @ Eat! Bistro's Gluten-free night


Chickie Knobs @ Eat! Bistro
Chickie Knobs @ Eat! Bistro


OneLifeLiveIt said...

you just made me feel very hungry.
I love Nacho's. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Monique said...

More food pics to inspire my cooking please!

Anonymous said...

You eat crap.

Meg Bee said...

Hey Anonymous, I'm so glad you took time out of your day to tell me that. I'm not going to argue, I mean look at the shit I ate for dinner!

Anonymous said...

OK, I know my comment was negative - sorry about that. But, you take the time out of your day to photograph everything you eat and then show it to the world! I give you credit for honesty, but the title of your blog and the pic of fresh veggies at the top didn't really jive with what I saw.

Meg Bee said...

I know, I haven't been eating particularly fantastically at this point. If you'll allow a bit of defensiveness, I have a very clingy infant who some days won't let me put him down and a partner who doesn't cook and isn't around when it's time to do any cooking (because he's working). So, my diet has suffered and this mostly means ordering an inordinate amount of pizza.

I am trying to rectify this with better meal planning, etc. but yes. Weeks like these ones are embarrassing to post but it is what I've eaten, so here it is.