06 December 2008


Breakfast @ The Forks with Sheila, Gurney, John and Trid (eggs over-easy, sausage, whole wheat toast, tomatoes, latte)
Breakfast @ The Forks

Peanut soup and bread from The Prairie Ink Cafe and the Saturday Free Press
Peanut soup and bread

Carrots and tzatziki and the Saturday Globe & Mail
Carrots, tzatziki and the Globe & Mail

Grilled cheese with tomato and shallot
Grilled cheese, shallot and tomato

Fibre 1 bar
Fibre 1 bar

Stuffed peppers:)
Imagine stuffed peppers here

Mandarin orange
Mandarin orange

Parsnip, beet and carrot chips
Parsnip, beet and carrot chips

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